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Video provided by David Schrichte

The Florida Springs Council is a 501(c)(3) advocacy organization dedicated to protecting Florida’s springs through policy, law, and grassroots action.

You love Florida's springs. But that alone won't save them.
Change happens when people stay informed and take coordinated
action together.

Sign up as a SPRINGS ADVOCATE to get email updates from FSC on the latest threats to our environment, victories to celebrate, and ways to fight for the best of Florida.

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Springs Advocate

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Meindl provides readers with a rare exploration of Florida springs politics. Use code FSC24 for a special $12 discount.

harm rule lawsuit

We took DEP to court over faulty springs cleanup plans, AND WON.

In March 2025 we were in court to force DEP to follow the law and protect spring flows and are awaiting a ruling.

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The best way to fight back is to give the Springs Legal Fund a reliable and steady source of support.

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