DEP meeting on the 8 years overdue Springs Harm Rule begins at 1:00
With a "Don't Let Florida Suck our springs dry" rally outside at 12:00
It’s once again time to mobilize to protect Outstanding Florida Springs from DEP's negligence, and we are counting on you to be there with us.
Springs advocates are gathering on Thursday, September 12, in Apopka at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) public workshop on its proposed rules relating to the harm from consumptive use (groundwater withdrawals) to Outstanding Florida Springs.
Conservationists have been demanding strong “harm” rules for 8 years. It was required of FDEP in a 2016 law, and FDEP has failed to comply with the law.
Over 100 advocates showed up to last year’s OFS Harm Rule Workshop, and we hope to have just as big of a turn out this year. We cannot let FDEP continue to cater to large water users and developers at the expense of taxpayers and the state’s precious, imperiled springs. Let’s leave FDEP without a doubt that we will never accept less than what our beloved springs deserve and require. Let’s stand together in Apopka!
St. Johns River Water Management District Apopka Service Center
2501 S Binion Rd, Apopka, FL 32703
Rally at 12:00, DEP workshop at 1:00
FSC and Sierra Club staff and all advocates will gather at Three Odd Guys Brewing, Apopka, immediately following
12pm Rally, 1pm DEP meeting
Thursday, September 12
St. Johns River Water Management District Apopka Service Center
2501 S Binion Rd, Apopka, FL 32703